Dream of Getting into Medicine or Dentistry?
82% of MedEssentials Students Offered A Medical Interview in 2022.
80% Interview Admission Rate.
Learn with qualified doctors and dentists at a training school specialising in medical training.
Program Principal: Dr Brad Guo MBBS MMed (Click to view profile)
Education Lead: Dr Ian Tan MBBS MMed (Click to view profile)
Top Score: 3280 (100th Percentile)
Average Score: 2930*
82% of students offered a medical or dental school interview
*Students completing full course of training
Weekly 2 hour, live and interactive small group UCAT tutorials
CLASS TIME - 2 hour sessions
Wednesdays 7.00PM - 9.00PM AEST / 6.30PM - 8.30PM ACST
Starting date: 26th April - 13th July (12 sessions overall)MedEntry partner discount offered (between 33% - 45%) - up to $350 total value!
Highly responsive feedback and adaptability of class content based on student learning issues
Structured, syllabus based program designed to:
1) Comprehensively cover all UCAT sections
2) Allow students to feel comfortable with all possible examination questions
3) Perform outstandingly on a consistent basisComprehensive course involving all aspected of medicine admission UCAT, interview (panel & MMI format), written application and objective career/subject counselling.
Taught by qualified doctors, dentists and senior medical students with the sole purpose of getting students into medical school
Week 1: Key lecture in situational judgment
(26th April)
Week 2: Key lecture in decision making
(3rd May)
Week 3: Key lecture in quantitative reasoning
(10th May)
Week 4: Key lecture in abstract reasoning
(17th May)
Week 5: Key lecture in verbal reasoning
(24th May)
Week 6: Progress quiz (completed prior the session) and highlight of high yield learning questions
(31st May)
Week 7: Focused teaching on speed/time/ratios/timezones in quantitative reasoning and verbal reasoning drills
(7th June)
Week 8: Focused teaching on venn diagrams/probability in decision making and quantitative reasoning drills
(14th June)
Week 9: Focused teaching on abstract reasoning pattern recognition and verbal reasoning drills
(21st June)
Week 10: Verbal reasoning and decision making drills
(28th June)
Week 11: Full, 3 hour practice exam (completed prior the session) with extended tutorial, detailed feedback and key teaching (4-hour tutorial)
(5th July)
Week 12: Exam based tutorial on high yield UCAT questions
(12th July)
Notes and questions to keep after every session
Highly competitive pricing with very high success rate
Realistic simulated quizzes
Content adapted annually including past questions for each UCAT update
Preparation for written applications
Intensive interview training
Individualised strategic subject and university preference selection
$85 per session for individual sessions selected (total fee over 12 sessions = $1090, Week 11 extended teaching $155). Starting from 6 sessions.
Discounted to $70 for upfront payment (total fee = $840)
Most PopularStudents joining the program after commencement can elect to receive notes for missed sessions at a reduced rate - inquire program director for options (brad.guo@medessentials.com.au)
MedEntry discount code (33% - 45%) can be sent to students upon request following registration
Total discount value between $100 - $350