Dream of Getting into Medicine or Dentistry?

82% of MedEssentials Students Eligible for Univerisity Medical Interview in 2024.

85% Interview Admission Rate.

Learn with qualified doctors and dentists at a training school specialising in medical training.

The most successful and MedEssential's flagship teaching model. The UCAT Masterclass is designed to provide the most comprehensive and in-depth preparation for the UCAT exam. Students are offered streamlined teaching with weekly tutorials with a rotation of our most experienced medical student teachers. On-going support in the form of face-to-face tutorials, hardcopy homework, online Q&A sessions, and take-home past questions/notes are provided for the duration of the student's enrolment.

Results for 2024

Top Score: 3480 (100th Percentile)

Average Score: 2980* (Vs UCAT Average 2570)

Anticipated 82% of students will be offered a medical or dental school interview

*Students completing full year of training; example University of Adelaide benchmark score 2900 for interview.

Due to competitive positions and the MedEssentials standard of quality, all students must attend an interview to be considered for the MedEssentials MasterClass.


  • Major face-to-face teaching centre option Adelaide CBD for South Australian students

  • Interactive, live online tutorials accomodating students in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania.

  • Weekly 3 hour small group tutorials with ongoing access to the tutors

  • Hardcopy notes and questions to keep after every session

  • Complimentary mid-week 1 - 2 hour online catch-up tutorials scheduled 3 - 4 weekly based on student topic requests

  • Most competitive pricing and highest success rate for any UCAT training program

  • Formative assessment with results every 6 weeks


  • Full scale examinations and past UCAT question breakdown offered in July

  • Individualised strategic subject and university preference selection

  • Preparation for written applications

  • Intensive interview training offers in November

  • Hybrid teaching including online, face-to-face and realistic simulated quizzes

Cost: $95 per session with FLEXIBLE upfront payment options.


General Information: Please read carefully.
Thank you for considering MedEssentials for your Medicine Entrance preparation. We are proud to offer Australia's most reliable and highest success rate program.

Please complete an application form for your interview as accurately as possible. You can expect a representative of MedEssentials to contact you in 1-3 working days to offer a time and venue. The interviewer will be one of our senior UCAT coaches and selectors. The duration of the interview is approximately 30 minutes.

Candidates are strongly recommended to do some reading about the MedEssentials program, and learn basic information regarding the Medicine application process prior to their interview. This will demonstrate initiative, and also help the interview become a productive learning experience for the student as well.

We kindly ask that candidates appreciate that their interviewers are busy with clinical medicine duties. It is important to briefly prepare briefly their scheduled session. Further information related to the interview can be read below. Good interview skills will be paramount to actual medicine applications in the future.

Unsuccessful applicants will be informed by email, and may be invited to re-attempt the interview.

Interview FAQ

  1. Will my parents need to attend?

  2. Where will the interview be held?
    This is schedule dependent. Our interviewers and coaches will have their own clinical practice during the weekdays. We will allocate sessions be located at 167 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000 (MedEssentials Office) or via Zoom.

  3. What if there are no times I can make soon?
    Please let us know, and we can organise an interview outside scheduled dates. Otherwise, a phone interview on speaker-mode is possible.

  4. Will I need to prepare for the interview?
    Please see some example questions below. The answer is 'no', but it is beneficial to demonstrate your enthusiasm by doing some background research beforehand.

Young Medico.jpg

Commonly Asked Interview Questions:

  1. Why do you want to be a doctor / dentist?

  2. How is your academic performance and ATAR expectations?

  3. What is your understanding about the entry process at MedEssentials?

  4. Why do you want to do the UCAT?

  5. How do you manage your academic commitments?

  6. What will you do if you have difficulty finding time to attend classes?

  7. How do you study for a new subject?

  8. Why would the MedEssentials MasterClass program be important for you?

  9. Why should you be selected for the MedEssentials program?

The interviewer will discuss:

  1. Medical school entry requirements from a specialist educator's perspective

  2. The UCAT as an exam

  3. The MedEssentials MasterClass format

  4. Any questions you bring

Why do we interview students?

  1. The medical school interview is an important part of entry, ranging from 33% to 40% consideration for all medical schools. This is a great opportunity to get a taste of a high stakes interview in a relaxed environment.

  2. It is a time for students and parents to ask questions about medical entry to an experienced educator. The most accurate information will come from insiders.

  3. Many of our students take their preparation and the MasterClasses seriously. We want to ensure that the quality of classes is maintained at a high standard for the entire duration of study.

  4. Our teachers are all very high achievers. Please remember they are there to help you. Regardless of outcome, we hope interview candidates ultimately enjoy their 30 minute meeting.

Inquire here if assistance is required.